NOW: No Opportunity Wasted

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

If you’re a fan of the hit reality show, The Amazing Race like I am then you know about Phil Keoghan. For 11 seasons now he’s been leading teams all over the world, to over 70 countries, in massive adventure race – introducing us to the various cities, explaining tasks and greeting sweaty, stinky teams at the mat to check them in at the end of each leg.

Canadians have long wanted to participate on the show but you need an American passport, so local races such as The Amazing Hunt will have to keep people like me going, for now. Phil’s actually moving his new show “NOW” over to the CBC and the good news is this time – Canadians are more than welcome.

No Opportunity Wasted – NOW
Think big.
Ditch the excuses.

If your life were to end at 3pm tomorrow what would you regret not doing? And why haven’t you done it? Does fear stand in your way? Or are you stuck in the same routine day after day?

Taking on a NOW Challenge is about accomplishing in 72 hours something you have never thought possible and probably taken every measure to avoid. It’s about turning thought into action and your fears inside out. There’s no more woulda, coulda, shoulda. It’s time to live life NOW.

In search of participants, Phil is touring around various Canadian cities so that means of course, that means he’s coming to Vancouver, making it one of 8 stops across the nation (for more dates, visit Inside The CBC blog).

“[Phil brings] his spin-off show No Opportunity Wasted to the CBC in October — and casting has begun for that series. In each half-hour episode, two people get challenged to set aside fears to achieve a specific task. Keoghan says he came up with the idea for the series’ philosophy after a near-fatal scuba diving accident in his native New Zealand when he was 19 years old. [NOW]”

The local search for show participants occurs: May 16, 7 pm to 9 pm at Chapters, 788 Robson, Vancouver

They start out in Newfoundland on May 8th and Vancouver will be the last stop. Although I’d love to go, just to meet Phil but I don’t think I’d want to get in the way of those trying out for the show. For some inspiration, read the blog on the NOW website and see the personal stories that have been shared thus far. Also, you can also pick up the book that started this all, I suppose while you’re in Chapters on May 16th, “No Opportunity Wasted: 8 Ways to Create a List for the Life You Want” by Phil Keoghan.

*Special thanks to Kevin who tipped me off about NOW via the Contact Form, and on the Amazing Race blog.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JennyFriday, April 27th, 2007 — 12:12pm PDT

    I (L) Phil

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