Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "A" is for Alex Fraser

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Kicking off the A-Z of Metro Vancouver I actually had a tough time getting started but I’m sure the rest will just come to me… right?. This is the first “A” name that came to mind and it’s a pretty good one – here’s a brief history of the Alex Fraser Bridge and the man behind the name.

Photo credit: Stephen Rees on Flickr

Opening in 1986, the bridge connects South Surrey and Delta to Richmond and New Westminster with Highway 91 spanning the Fraser River.

Alex Fraser himself was a Minister of Transportation in BC that died of throat cancer and he also has the Alex Fraser Research Forest in Quesnel and Williams Lake named after him as well.

Blogathon Post #14 – Read all Blogathon Posts and pledge to keep me going.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. fotoeinsSaturday, July 26th, 2008 — 11:27pm PDT


    Cable-spans like these are relatively simple to some extent, but when the Alex Fraser was first opened, I remembered it was a big deal to a lot of people.

    However, this bridge is special to me for my own historical reasons. My first girlfriend lived in North Delta, and at the time, she would drive us down from SFU, through Burnaby/NewWest, and over the Alex Fraser to their place. They were always so welcoming, and I always felt safe in their house.

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