Raise a Reader 2008 Another Success

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The official snaps won’t be in the Vancouver Sun until tomorrow morning however earlier today I had the pleasure of traipsing around downtown with John, Jeff, and Alanah and meeting all kinds of Canucks thanks to Raise a Reader Day.

“The Canwest Raise-a-Reader program has excellent momentum and this year, on the morning of Wednesday, September 24th, newspapers in 28 communities will host Raise-a-Reader Day activities on city streets from Victoria to St. John’s. Thousands of volunteers and local celebrities will exchange special Raise-a-Reader edition newspapers for donations to literacy… …Through the volunteer efforts of people across Canada, Raise-a-Reader is able to provide the necessary funding and resources to family literacy programs, libraries and school libraries in the greatest need.”

Alanah and me with Mason Raymond of the Canucks (and How I Met Your Mother fame)

Each year I have a blast walking around and meeting players and organization members. It’s such a casual atmosphere, everyone is in high spirits and thinking the best for the season ahead.

One of the best ways to get your day going is by getting a hug from Ryan Kesler.

Legendary (first ever) captain of the Vancouver Canucks, Orland Kurtenbach. Such a nice man who was excited to hear about our podcast (and possible bus ads).

My meeting with Stan “The Steamer” Smyl, who led Vancouver for his entire career until retiring in 1991. His number 12 hangs in the rafters and will soon by joined by number 16.

You can also catch photos on John’s Flickrstream from our adventures at the Canucks game last night where they were kind enough to have a penthouse suite as a token of their appreciation for online content creators like The Crazy Canucks.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. DaveOWednesday, September 24th, 2008 — 2:33pm PDT

    Nice meet-ups Becks! Steamer is a super hero, was heart and soul for a rag tag team for a long time. He led the team in goals, assists and penalty minutes one season – a rare feat for sure.

    PS on the way out of the game, we passed Kesler (in a nice suit) and his wee baby in the elevator

  2. AllieWednesday, September 24th, 2008 — 3:06pm PDT

    Found your blog through Duane’s blog, hope you don’t mind…

    Just wanted to say… I HATE YOU! I’m so jealous. Like, really really green with envy.

    Looks like you had an incredible time, and for a good cause too.

    Awesome, keep up the good work! Your blog is really neat.

  3. MikeWednesday, September 24th, 2008 — 5:22pm PDT

    …restraining jealousy…trying very hard….AHHHHH.

    Very cool ladies o’ the podcast!

  4. Raise a Reader 2009 » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittWednesday, September 23rd, 2009 — 9:34am PDT

    […] posts: Raise-a-Reader 2008, 2007, […]

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