5 Vancouver Hyperlapse Videos

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Two days ago Instagram introduced Hyperlapse, a new app that allows users to create speedy timelapse videos with their phones:

hyperlapseTraditionally, time lapse videos depend on holding your phone or camera still while you film. Hyperlapse from Instagram features built-in stabilization technology that lets you create moving, handheld time lapses that result in a cinematic look, quality and feel—a feat that has previously only been possible with expensive equipment. We designed Hyperlapse to be as simple as possible. You don’t need an account to create a hyperlapse. Instead, you open up straight to the camera. Tap once to begin recording and tap again to stop. Choose a playback speed that you like between 1x-12x and tap the green check mark to save it to your camera roll. You can share your video on Instagram easily from there.

5 Vancouver Hyperlapse Videos

Vancouverites have been quick to add Hyperlapse to their app collections and film the city around them. Here are just a few early Hyperlapse videos of Vancouver that locals have captured this week.

Hyperlapse from Instagram is available only for iOS devices in Apple’s App Store right now.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. LucThursday, August 28th, 2014 — 1:05pm PDT

    503 Service Unavailable

  2. @Tim604Thursday, August 28th, 2014 — 1:08pm PDT

    Instagram down!

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