In Case You Forgot

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

At 1:10 am I fell for a prank. I was all sleepy snuggly on the couch until I got up to check my computer one last time before bed. There on my screen was a random IM that freaked the pants off me. I perked up, told John what I had just read, then tried to do some sleuthing. I started to get kinda worried about what I read because every sign pointed to … “this isn’t really possible”. On a whim, I sent Brad (frequent site commenter and friend of my sister) a message on MSN. I briefly detailed what I had read just minutes before and mentioned how it was distressing me. After a couple replies he finally asked me if I knew what day it was today.

Google TiSP

As tears were welling up in my eyes, I looked over at John “do you know what day it is today?!” He started laughing. Bradley was laughing. I’m so happy to be his first April Fool’s Day victim of 2007.

Feel free to share your stories below in the comments, either pranks you’ve played or things you’ve seen on the web e.g. the Google TiSP. It might make me feel like less of a sucker.

13 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JennySunday, April 1st, 2007 — 2:10am PDT

    I bet you didn’t have pants on to begin with , don’t try to fool me. I’ve been to your house !

    he he he… it’s kind of unfair because you don’t think of April fools until you wake up in the morning, not right after midnight.

  2. Miss604Sunday, April 1st, 2007 — 2:15am PDT

    Haha I was just thinking “What?! Pants? What did he tell you the prank was!?!” Then I re-read my post. Yeah, I was seriously *scared*. John was laughing then told me to harm Brad in a sensitive area (using a strong swift kicking motion) 😛 But he said that while still laughing like a school girl. I bet they’ll high five over it later today. Pfffttt.

  3. john bollwitt blog » Calling shenanigansSunday, April 1st, 2007 — 2:17am PDT

    […] » Google is pulling their usual stunt. Rebecca has it posted on her site, but it’s pretty comical. Oh the geeky humor. Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines. [google] […]

  4. wynSunday, April 1st, 2007 — 12:16pm PDT

    I got “pranked” this morning. Apparently today is the original DST day and with an 8:45 run group, I freaked out because I was still lounging and shaking off sleep when I looked at my DVD-recorder clock and it read 8:30 when it was still 7:30! Phew.

  5. Miss604Sunday, April 1st, 2007 — 4:20pm PDT

    I totally thought John was going to change the clocks in the house this morning – I’m always in a panic when we have somewhere to be (and we’re always late) so that would have been very cruel 😛

  6. Mom-in-lawSunday, April 1st, 2007 — 4:43pm PDT

    Being late is known as SBT.

  7. VinceSunday, April 1st, 2007 — 5:36pm PDT

    I don’t get it, can someone explain the prank to me? I’ve already signed up with Google, but they said that due to an overwhelming response, the service will not be available to every user at once. They also mentionned that since TiSP is still in its beta form, connection speed might be slower than advertised and a fiber-rich diet is recommended for large downloads. 😉

  8. Miss604Sunday, April 1st, 2007 — 5:39pm PDT

    Oh Vince that’s just wrong 😛

  9. rilahSunday, April 1st, 2007 — 10:34pm PDT

    i got my mother-in-law via changing my msn messenger name to “guess who’s having another baby?!!!” she basically wrote me a paragraph in all caps about how happy she was and thanking me [for having sex with her son, i’m guessing] and then i let it continue until 12:01 and then text messaged her at work. i think she won’t be bringing me starbucks on her way downtown for a while.

    the irony is, we broke up about 45 minutes later. no foolin’.

  10. BradleySunday, April 1st, 2007 — 11:21pm PDT

    is that all it takes to become single?

    im writing this down……. anyways, thanks becky for saying “Brad, frequent commenter and friend of jenny’s”

    I thought we were friends too, what the eff becky?

  11. Miss604Sunday, April 1st, 2007 — 11:33pm PDT

    Aw brother brad!

  12. melMonday, April 2nd, 2007 — 3:02pm PDT

    haha . I missed it but we were talking about the google prank at work today. APPARENTLY, a company has tried to do somethign similar – bleh. My co-worker has a 10 year old girl who got him with chocolate chips in the toothpaste. haha 😉

  13. Miss604’s Vancouver Blog » Things I Love: Google and GmailWednesday, February 13th, 2008 — 10:52am PST

    […] a page rank of “5″ is very much appreciated. You even have a sense of humour, with your tISP and seasonal graphic displays on your home page. You also allow me to share my calendar with my […]

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