BC By-Elections for Vancouver-Burrard and Vancouver-Fairview

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The fall of October 2008 is official struck with election fever especially if you live in Vancouver. Not only are we all closely watching the proceedings one hour south in the United States, we’re also gearing up for civic elections and the federal election. If that wasn’t enough, there are two BC by-elections happening on October 29th.

Vancouver-Burrard became vacant in September after MLA Lorne Mayencourt, a B.C. Liberal, resigned to run for the Conservative Party in the Oct. 14 federal election.

Vancouver-Fairview became vacant in July after MLA Gregor Robertson, a B.C. New Democrat, resigned to run as Vision Vancouver’s mayoral candidate in the Nov. 15 civic election. [The Tyee – The Hook]

I’ll certainly be keeping my eye on Vancouver-Burrard, not only because I’ll be voting, but because of the star-studded list of candidates.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Liberals: Former Vancouver Canucks owner Arthur Griffiths. He was also owner of General Motors Place, served as Chair of the Millennium Skytrain Line, was a leader in the establishment of Canuck Place Childrens Hospice, and chaired the 2010 Vancouver Olympic bid. You can also read the write up I did about the Griffiths family on Metroblogging Vancouver.

Green Party Buttons - They're out in full force recruitment mode

Green Party: Drina Read. She’s been actively involved with the Pride Parade, the Car-Free Festival, the Stanley Park Ecology Society, the Fur-Bearer Defenders, and Greenpeace. She’s also got a blog.

"Sam" in two

BC NDP: Vancouver parks board commissioner Spencer Herbert. He was behind many fundraising drives for the restoration of Stanley Park, and fought that nasty proposal that would have seen mechanized, animatronic dinosaurs in the park. He’s known to read my blog and leave comments so perhaps I could even get an interview, eh? His website also features a blog and the BC NDP sites are built with Joomla (because I look at those types of things).

In Vancouver-Fairview we have, Margaret MacDiarmid for the Liberals, Jenn McGinn for the BC NDP, and Jane Sterk who is the current leader of the BC Green Party.

I’ll be hitting the polls three times this fall and each trip will be as important as the next. I encourage everyone to get informed about the parties, the candidates, and of course – to get out and vote.

11 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. caitlinTuesday, October 7th, 2008 — 10:06pm PDT

    maybe give him an interview then, hey? No seriously I’d love to hear more about Spencer and his plans for the Vancouver-Burrard riding. It’s high time some one with real plans and a commitment to the environment represented the West End, and what about housing!? Spencer’s been a strong advocate for renters struggling with high rents and inequity, I’ve yet to see Arthur Griffith stand up for them!

  2. BojimhaWednesday, October 8th, 2008 — 2:42am PDT

    Thanks for the info! I wasn’t even aware of this happening until I read this blog post.

    Being stuck over in the UK means I won’t be able to vote, but I will still be keeping an interest from the other side of the pond as I guess it will have a direct effect on me when I move to Vancouver next year.

  3. Questions for Vancouver-Burrard Candidates » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittMonday, October 20th, 2008 — 4:01am PDT

    […] previously noted, there will be a by-election in BC in the Vancouver-Burrard and Vancouver-Fairview provincial ridings on October 29th. I am currently lining up interviews with some of the candidates for […]

  4. HowardMonday, October 20th, 2008 — 7:13pm PDT

    Why is it that this by-election is receiving virtually (or otherwise) no publicity at all? The first I knew of it was when I received one of those yellow voter cards in the mailbox!
    Thankfully, however, there seems to be a better choice of candidates than in the last BC election.

  5. LisaBTuesday, October 21st, 2008 — 4:05pm PDT

    Not to mention that according to BCElection stats – Mayencourt won the last election by ELEVEN votes…. so apparently it’s a hot race. One of the rare times your vote will count.

    Also – everyone should note that in the next provincial election there will be a referendum on changing the electoral system to get rid of this useless first-past-the-post system we currently use. Information is here: http://www.stv.ca

  6. Vancouver-Burrard By-Election Candidate Interview: Spencer Herbert » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittWednesday, October 22nd, 2008 — 4:01am PDT

    […] Those living in the Vancouver-Burrard or Vancouver-Fairview districts may have received their yellow voting cards in the mail by now. No, this is not for yet another federal election, but as previously outlined, two provincial by-elections will be taking place October 29th. […]

  7. SheriWednesday, October 22nd, 2008 — 3:58pm PDT

    Does anyone know whether there are any forecasted polls for the Vancouver Burrard riding around?

  8. What happened in Canadian Election? « Ephemeral FeasthouseThursday, October 23rd, 2008 — 10:02am PDT

    […] If you aren’t all voted out yet, great because there is a provincial by-election coming up. happyfrog pal Miss604 has an awesome (as usual) overview BC By-Elections for Vancouver-Burrard and Vancouver-Fairview. […]

  9. Vancouver-Burrard By-Election Candidate Interview: Drina Read » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittThursday, October 23rd, 2008 — 11:09am PDT

    […] Those living in the Vancouver-Burrard or Vancouver-Fairview districts may have received their yellow voting cards in the mail by now. No, this is not for yet another federal election, but as previously outlined, two provincial by-elections will be taking place October 29th. […]

  10. Vancouver-Burrard By-Election Candidate Interview: Arthur Griffiths » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittFriday, October 24th, 2008 — 3:25pm PDT

    […] Those living in the Vancouver-Burrard or Vancouver-Fairview districts may have received their yellow voting cards in the mail by now. No, this is not for yet another federal election, but as previously outlined, two provincial by-elections will be taking place October 29th. […]

  11. Nick LFriday, October 24th, 2008 — 8:54pm PDT

    By-election predictions for Oct 29,08.

    Vancouver Fairview
    Margaret MacDiarmid for the Liberals 48%
    Jenn McGinn for the BC NDP 43%

    Arthur Griffiths for the Liberals 45%
    Spencer Herbert for the BC NDP 39%

Also on Miss604.com