New Canucks Third Jersey – Rumoured

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: According to the TEAM1040am the third jersey will be unveiled tonight (November 13th) at 5:00pm Pacific time. [via icethetics]

Update: It was true, the third jersey was launched tonight, you can view the announcement on and watch the following video for more details. I’m just glad they mentioned Denman Arena.

Before I start saying that this is an officially “leaked” photo, may I remind everyone of last year’s logo mayhem.

Also, there’s been a jersey of this style on the Canucks Board since last June.

With that being said, John sent the link to JJ (our co-host on The Crazy Canucks podcast) late last night and he’s got a write up about it today.

“It was never a secret that the team wanted to bring back the vintage stick-and-rink logo – Chris Zimmerman has said as much at the past couple of State of the Franchise events – and this jersey certainly fits what’s been said all along. Personally, I’ve always liked this logo though I admit that it looks a little awkward from this angle. Plus, there’s already chatter that the Johnny Canuck looks a little too much like this guy. I suppose whether or not this version is a hit among Canucks fans remains to be seen.” [CanucksHockeyBlog]

According to VancityBuzz, “The jersey isn’t do for an official unveiling until November 15, 2008 against the lowly Leafs on CBC. That by the way is a 4pm local start, even though the game is at home.”

It’s kind of interesting to see the incorporation of Johnny Canuck on the shoulder crest but they’ve been wanting to share Canucks history a lot lately – maybe to kind of remind folks that this city does have a strong hockey tradition (and that we even won the cup… well the Millionaires did anyway).

Johnny Canuck T-Shirt

I’m thinking it’s not entirely impossible that they’d go with something of a Johnny Canuck flare especially seeing how many Skytrain stations have John’s poster plastered all over them since he is sporting his limited-edition tshirt. That, and I think he’s kind of cute.

13 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ChrisWednesday, October 15th, 2008 — 10:59pm PDT

    I’m pretty sure John’s at the Waterfront Skytrain station, but anywho, the reason I mention this is that a few coworkers and I were trying to figure out how to score such a shirt. Unfortunately, it appears that we are out of luck, huh? =) Oh well…

    And I had thought the jersey was going to be unveiled on the 25th after watching some interstitial during the dud of a PPV on Monday. There was some story about something happening on 25Oct (that rolled right into an old school Oilers highlight before it went back to the the game) that my buddy and I didn’t quite get and assumed it was going to be the jersey. Any idea what it was referencing? Considering I’ll be kicking it back in Skegness, UK that day, I won’t know..

  2. UrbandwellerWednesday, October 15th, 2008 — 11:04pm PDT

    Chris, the team 1040 has stated that the jersey is to be unveiled Nov. 15. Take David Pratt’s words for what it worth lol. As for the jersey I’ve gone and talked to my “sources” who both confirm that the leaked jersey is indeed the one they’ll be using. I’d tell you my sources, but then they’ll kill me.

  3. AllieThursday, October 16th, 2008 — 12:01am PDT

    Darn, I was honestly hoping to see the Johnny Canuck on the front (which looks amazing on you by the way!). I’m a little disappointed.

  4. AndreThursday, October 16th, 2008 — 1:00am PDT

    I absolutely love the Canucks’ leaked third sweater. It has a sharp and bold updated look to it, while linking it to our Canuck past. At first, I didn’t like the Stick ‘n Rink being modified. I thought it looked too cartoonish and crooked. However, the updated Stick has grown on me greatly. It is actually a close-up and the fact that the Stick is on an angle makes it look like as if it’s in action and the logo itself looks more like a “C”. As for the Johnny Canuck V, BEAUTIFUL!! I actually would have put this pretty logo on the front. This is the head of the original Johnny Canuck while it’s incorporated onto the top of a V.
    For those who are more sentimental towards the original Stick and Johnny Canuck logos and you can include me, let’s remember something. The Montreal Canadiens CH evolved in 1953. The N.Y. Rangers didn’t have serifs and 3D shadowing in their original wordmark design. The Vancouver Whitecaps modified their Ball on the Wave logo when the Whitecaps’ name was brought back. Only time and success will make this new sweater more popular.
    By the way, you can take it to the bank that this will be the Canucks’ full-time sweater and then, we will see the Johnny Canuck V on a new third green sweater, which will be sweet.

  5. Canucks 3rd Jersey Roundup | CanuckNation.caThursday, October 16th, 2008 — 7:46am PDT

    […] tilting the stick a bit.  Don’t like it.  Then this morning, I saw this one on Rebecca’s site, and I know most people are going to absolutely hate it, I think it’s pretty cool.  […]

  6. ChrisThursday, October 16th, 2008 — 7:17pm PDT

    Urbandweller: Sounds good to me, so what is happening on 25Oct? I’m sure I hadn’t drunk myself into a stupor by then because I still remember the Caps using the ‘nucks as a doormat in the third. =)

  7. In The Sphere: Politics and Canucks Jerseys | BlueFur.comFriday, October 17th, 2008 — 1:29pm PDT

    […] she has come across some insider information too. Check out the leaked picture of what may be the new Canucks third jersey. Johnny Canuck makes an appearance! What do you […]

  8. billaySaturday, October 18th, 2008 — 6:06am PDT

    the first jersey in green would be the best … fo sho

  9. Derek K. MillerSaturday, October 18th, 2008 — 3:49pm PDT

    As Buzz has noted, there might be some trouble with the Vachon Foods logo similarity.

  10. AndreMonday, October 20th, 2008 — 12:30am PDT

    Hi Derek,

    I am sorry, but I totally disagree with you and Buzz regarding the Johnny Canuck V. Yes, both insignias are V logos and yes, both Johnny Canuck and the Vachon baker may be looking to the right, but this is where the similarities stop. Here are the differences:

    Johnny Canuck V

    1. The V is larger.
    2. The V is blue with a green and white border with a touch of silver trimming.
    3. The V is block-styled with rounded corners to resemble the Stick and Rink crest.
    4. Johnny Canuck’s head is bigger and is on the top centre of the V.
    5. Only Johnny Canuck’s head is present.
    6. It is the only V logo in major professional sports.

    Vachon baker logo

    1. The V is smaller.
    2. The V is red with no border, not counting the black border around the entire logo.
    3. The bottom portion of the V is completely rounded.
    4. The Vachon baker’s head is smaller and more positioned on the left side of the V.
    5. The baker looks as if he’s eating while his arm forms the inner portion of the V.
    6. It is the logo of a food company.

    Other logos in sports have closer similarities:

    1. Calgary Flames and Montreal Canadiens: a red C, though differently styled.
    2. Chicago Bears and Cincinnati Reds: Same C style.
    3. Green Bay Packers and Georgia Bulldogs: EXACT same G style.
    4. Chicago Blackhawks and Washington Redskins: Similiar chief.
    5. Winnipeg Blue Bombers(vintage) and Washington Huskies: EXACT same W style.

    The Johnny Canuck V is a very sharp and simple combination of our team’s namesake and the initial that proudly represents our beautiful city. If Calgary can take huge pride in their Flaming C and Philadelphia the same with their Flying P, why can’t we do the same with the Johnny Canuck V?

    The problem with the Canucks throughout their history has been the instability of their identity and all the losing and underachieving to go along with it. While we all have our own tastes on what we like and dislike, I find it very disheartening when fellow Canuck fans and people in the media have to disagree on Canuck logos and uniforms. After so many long years, the Canucks are finally trying to establish a lasting identity that ties in with the past, our name, and our city but with an updated twist. Other teams, including the Bruins, Red Wings, Rangers, and Maple Leafs have modified their crests over their long existance. Let’s show some Vancouver Canucks pride for once. Win or lose.

  11. Vancouver Canucks October 25th Who Else? » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittThursday, October 23rd, 2008 — 12:04pm PDT

    […] more than likely towel power. 3. Jersey insults hmm… are they saying they might unveil the rumoured third jersey that […]

  12. John BollwittThursday, November 13th, 2008 — 10:26pm PST

    Buzz can stick it, and I think they did well with this one. Not too over the top, and yes, another thing for fans to spend money on so spare me the rehashed and overdone argument on that one. It’s spiffy, and I get why they liked my shirt so much.

    Now, back to winning…

  13. TCC#68 – All is Wellwood / The Crazy CanucksWednesday, November 19th, 2008 — 11:17pm PST

    […] the third jersey, the Canucks making their film debut, and some making their debut in Manhattan. Third jersey talks, and a whole lot of Wellwood appreciation round out this edition of The Crazy […]

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