Tulips of the Valley Festival: Circle Farm Tour

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

>>>>> Tulip Festival 2015 PHOTOS AND INFORMATION <<<<<

Our first official stop on the Circle Farm Tour was at the Tulips of the Valley Festival on Seabird Island [Google Map] where we were greeted by owner, Kate Onos-Gilbert.

Agassiz, BC

Having a working farm with a million tulip bulbs spanning over 40 acres means Kate is one busy woman. She told us that she wanted to open up the fields to the public so all could enjoy — and thank goodness she did, welcoming thousands last weekend along. Kate also has a goal to provide Canadian-grown bulbs so everyone can enjoy tulips at home in their own gardens, and said that since the bulbs have been in this soil for three years now, they are now considered Canadian.

How it all works

The lifecycle of the tulip process spans over months but for a few short weeks in the spring Kate opens up her tulip farm to visitors for the festival.

40 Acres of Tulips

40 Acres of Tulips

40 Acres of Tulips

40 Acres of Tulips

You can head out among the other 30 varieties of tulips, take photos, enjoy the scenery, as snack on some bannock made by June Harris.


Kate has been growing and cultivating the tulips for years and seeing what types work best in Canada, since they are not indigenous to this country. You can currently purchase almost 20 different kinds of bulbs from her fields on-site as and she also has a permanent stand at 1694 Tranmer Rd in Agassiz.

Princess Irene

The 2009 festival only runs until May 3rd so this weekend is your last chance to check it out before the greenhouse tulip life cycle begins again.

8 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Angela HubbardThursday, April 30th, 2009 — 12:04pm PDT

    this is AMAZING! Great photos Rebecca! looks like heaven

  2. Derek K. MillerThursday, April 30th, 2009 — 12:11pm PDT

    Why have I not heard of this tulip festival before, when the one down near La Conner in Washington has been well known for years? That first photo is prettier than anything out of the Washington display.

  3. InekeThursday, April 30th, 2009 — 1:48pm PDT

    WOW gorgeous pictures! It does remind me of my home country, The Netherlands :-). Just one thing Tulips are originally from the far east, via Turkey they came to the Netherlands who became famous for them.

  4. Tulips in the Bay | Tyler Ingram PhotoblogThursday, April 30th, 2009 — 2:01pm PDT

    […] it seems that other people in the Lower Mainland have been getting out to the recent Tulips too. Rebecca Bollwitt headed over to the Harrison, Agassiz area and ventured to the Tulips of the Valley Festival and it […]

  5. JennyThursday, April 30th, 2009 — 8:28pm PDT

    Those tulips look amazing.

  6. IcemanYVRFriday, May 1st, 2009 — 6:41am PDT

    Like Derek , I never even knew this existed. I was only aware of the one across the border. Great pictures, I really like the first one.

  7. Ian JamesWednesday, March 24th, 2010 — 8:34am PDT

    can you let me know when the tulip fields will be open 2010?
    ian James

  8. rubaiWednesday, March 24th, 2010 — 2:27pm PDT

    according to their website (tulipsofthevalley.com), they open on April 10th until April 25 or till the blooms are done, whichever comes first.

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