Easter Seals Drop Zone 2010

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Easter Seals Drop Zone challenge is returning to downtown Vancouver for its 5th year this September. Participants are challenged to raise at least $1,500 for Easter Seals which will then give them the opportunity to rappel down the face of a 20-storey office building. Despite my small fear of heights I have signed up for this charitable stunt so it’s time I start my fundraising.

Photo © toshikishiroki on Flickr

If you would like to see me rappel down an office building in support of Easter Seals (helping British Columbia’s children with disabilities through Easter Seals Camps and Easter Seals House) please consider donating to my campaign. When I hit the $1,500 mark I’ll be sent over the edge of the building, but not before taking a few Twitpics to share the experience with everyone else.

The theme in previous years has been to dress up in a superhero costume while doing your decent however as I’m fresh out of masks, tights, or a lasso of truth I’ll be calling upon sponsors and donors to help make my outfit. I will put the logo of any local business on my t-shirt that day should they donate a minimum of $200 toward my campaign.

Donations are done exclusively online through the Easter Seals Drop Zone system and tax receipts are given. Any other support (encouraging words, reasons why I should not be scared, etc.) are greatly appreciated.

Enter to win a 2 night stay at Tinhorn Creek Winery when you pledge my campaign.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ChrisTuesday, July 20th, 2010 — 11:51am PDT

    I’d love to try the “challenge” out, although I’m pretty confident that my fear of heights would have me suffering from an anxiety attack halfway down (even if I made it that far).

  2. Bill GlaspeySunday, August 22nd, 2010 — 10:30pm PDT

    How do I get involvedin this as a participant. I think this is a great cause. Please advise

  3. SuzeThursday, August 26th, 2010 — 5:22pm PDT

    Hey there! I would really love to do this same event. Could you PLEASE help me with ideas to get fundraising. I lost my son Jan 1, of last year, at the BC Women’s Hospital, and they were great and supportive there. I now want to give back to Organizations thathelp children. Couls you please tell me some of the ways that you have raised money. Thanks, Suze

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