Metro Vancouver Parks iPhone App

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Metro Vancouver recently released an iPhone application to feature its 22 regional parks. Since I have been profiling Metro Vancouver Parks for a few years now (city, regional, or provincially-run) I thought it would be worth checking out.

Metro Vancouver Parks App Metro Vancouver Parks App Metro Vancouver Parks App

Parks managed by the region range from Bowen Island and Lynn Headwaters to Aldergrove Lake and the Matsqui Trail.

The application can pinpoint your current location and provide directions via a Google Map. It also shows which activities and facilities are available at each location and provides alerts with information about wildlife, traffic, or construction.

Metro Vancouver Parks App Metro Vancouver Parks App Metro Vancouver Parks App

It’s a great start but I would like to see a search by activities or facilities function like they have on the main website. Also, there are no events yet in the listings but once they’re filled in it should add a lot to the app.

You can try the free iParks Explorer application for yourself from the iTunes app store.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. CaioSaturday, October 2nd, 2010 — 11:25pm PDT

    Thats great news, I wish they had something like this before.

  2. Jamie MooreMonday, October 4th, 2010 — 9:22am PDT

    Heading to Vancouver Island for the weekend? Check this handy app with 130 fab/fun/free things to see and do — Vancouver Island Exploration Guide:

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