Where to Pick Blueberries

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

They may be late but they’re just as sweet. BC fresh blueberries are now in season, after a soggy start to summer, and are ready for picking this month. After publishing my “Where to Pick Strawberries” post I received some great feedback and decided to include more Richmond and Delta farms for the blueberry guide (though there are still some great options in Langley and the Fraser Valley).

Blueberry picking. P1020492
Photo credit: Neal Gillis & Mayu on Flickr

Where to Pick Blueberries

No. 5 Blueberry Farm
Location: 7040 No.5 Road, Richmond
Notes: 9am to 9pm, no pesticides/sprays. Cash only, bring your own container for u-pick.

Birak Berry Farm
Location: 9111 No. 6 Road, Richmond
Notes: 8am to 9pm. Available in ready-picked packs from the stand or for u-pick.

DFG Blueberries
Location: 11071 Blundell Road, Richmond
Notes: Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Uses natural growing practices. Cash only.

Bissett Farms (at Westham Island Estate Winery)
Location: 2170 Westham Island Road, Delta
Notes: Look for the big blue barn. U-pick and some ready-picked berries. Bring your own container. Cash, debit, credit cards.

Emma Lea Farms
Location: 2727 Westham Island Road, Delta
Notes: Bring your own container or purchase ready-picked packs. Call ahead for the latest picking updates (604) 946-8216. Find them on Facebook.

Blueberries are known as a “superfruit” as each one packs a punch. In fact you can eat 1/2 cup of blueberries to fulfil the Canadian Food Guide recommended fruit serving each day. They’re also a great source of antioxidants.

Photo credit: vpickering on Flickr

Find more information about blueberries, where they grow, where to get them, and delicious recipes from the BC Blueberry Council. A great resource for growing practices and organic certifications can be found on the Pick Your Own site.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. StefanMonday, August 8th, 2011 — 11:13am PDT

    You left out my favorite spot, John and John’s:


  2. tracyWednesday, August 10th, 2011 — 1:19pm PDT

    Thanks Rebecca for the info.! Just went out this morning to pick some berries. Great experience 🙂

  3. Ruth HartnupFriday, August 3rd, 2012 — 2:09pm PDT

    It’s a bit further afield, but North Arm Farm in Pemberton is worth a mention. http://www.northarmfarm.com/ Lovely little farm store too, and swings, tetherball, tractors and farm animals for the kids. But bring your bug spray! At the moment they have raspberries and blueberries to pick; and we were there picking strawberries in July.

  4. Glowbal’s Summer BBQ Series | Homemade Blueberry Pie | GlowbalThursday, August 23rd, 2012 — 2:35pm PDT

    […] …and to make this recipe even sweeter,  Miss604 recently wrote a piece on where to pick the freshest blueberries in Vancouver and surrounding area.  Find out where to pick the filling for your pie HERE! […]

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