Launch Party Vancouver Wrap Up

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Thursday evening I attended Launch Party Vancouver. They had the entire restaurant, Section 3, booked up and anyone from PR professionals to tech geeks were able to mix, mingle and schmooze over appies.

I’ll leave the Launch Party explanation to Boris: “…what I can best summarize as being a social gathering for Vancouver’s tech community, from entrepreneurs to marketers to interested potential investors.”

Photo credit: Phillip Jeffrey on Flickr

I must admit, I felt a little out of place and huddled up to the most familiar and comfortable thing I knew – well in this case it was a person, Dave.

More familiar faces arrived, I ran into Jordan – whose company was hosting the event, saw Tod, James, Phillip, and met Megan Cole for the first time (I know, I can’t believe it either). Dave’s got a great post up about the tech community in Vancouver and I’ll be touching on that in a future post as well (saving it for the blogaversary edition).

The evening was well organized and I was able to be “professional Rebecca” yet still meet and greet new and familiar faces. It was different from a blog meetup, and as it was in Yaletown so it had that special vibe. I’m used to attending events in a fuchsia t-shirt, but all in all it was a enjoyable and productive evening. There will be more, just probably not monthly, as the turn out was rather impressive and the interest is definitely there.

The next event for the geek-minded in Vancouver will be DemoCampVancouver03 on October 4th @ Workspace – and you can bet I’ll be there, rockin’ the live blog.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. ArianeSaturday, September 29th, 2007 — 4:17pm PDT

    i didn’t see you, you must have been gone by the time i got there (i was pretty late)–i really should introduce myself next time, it’s funny how many people i still see at all these things and haven’t properly talked to!

    oh, and just a heads up that democamp is actually at workspace!


  2. Fade to Play » Launch Party Vancouver 3: Chillin’ with Tech GeeksSunday, January 20th, 2008 — 5:09am PST

    […] of Strutta So, if you don’t have plans Friday night, I recommend you come to Launch Party 3. Launch Party and Launch Party with a Twiist were both fun, successful event and it is a great opportunity to […]

  3. Techvibes Job Fair, Launch Party Vancouver and VIDFEST Kickoff Gala » Vancouver Blog Miss 604Wednesday, May 21st, 2008 — 11:03am PDT

    […] investors, while spreading their news and buzz amongst the social media gurus of Vancouver. [LPV1, LPV2, […]

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