CBC Continues Twitter Election Coverage and Twitter Basics

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

During the Federal Election, the CBC had a few Twitter streams going and even shared some Tweets from some of this followers on air (through OrmistonOnline). They are now continuing their Twitter coverage throughout the Civic Elections in the Greater Vancouver area.

In case I just lost you with “Tweets” and “Twitter” references he’s a quick rundown of the popular micro-blogging service:

– What is Twitter? Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

– What does it mean to follow someone on Twitter? Following someone simply means receiving their Twitter updates. How you receive the updates (on your phone, IM, or just on the web) is up to you. [Twitter Support

The CBC “Civic Vote 2008” page is up and running including instructions on how to sign up for Twitter. They do not supply an account to follow (ie. OrmistonOnline) however they do mention that you can track their conversations such as the upcoming Vancouver Mayoral Debate. You’ll be able to catch everyone’s updates about and throughout this event by following #cbcmayorsdebate.

Note, a hash mark # denotes a conversation, and an at sign @ is for replying to a Twitter user. Here’s how to follow a conversation as opposed to one user’s updates:

Head to Summize.com or Search.Twitter.com and enter the conversation or term you’d like to follow, in this case #cbcmayorsdebate, then click search.

You do not need to be a Twitter user or have a Twitter account to follow conversations like this, however to reply or add your thoughts, an account would be required.

To start adding your thoughts to this discussion, simply publish your own updates and be sure to include “#cbcmayorsdebate” in order for it to show up in this stream. You can also follow the user @CBCNewsBC to receive their updates (or Tweets) any day of the week.

The Vancouver mayoral candidates debate will take place November 12th from 7:30pm – 9:00pm.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Tweet, tweet irony in Vancouver’s mayoral race | Citizen Journalism | A View from the IsleMonday, November 10th, 2008 — 2:23pm PST

    […] Now you want the truly ironic part? The last mayoral debate before the election on this Wednesday which is hosted by the CBC will take questions from Twitter and be live-tweeting the event! […]

  2. Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech » Blog Archive » Seed PlantingSaturday, December 20th, 2008 — 2:41pm PST

    […] are seeing the shifts all around them as well. Whether it’s network news talking about the impact of twitter on election coverage or simply their own experience connecting and posting content on Facebook, […]

  3. Study Ideas and Thoughts » Blog Archive » Seed PlantingSaturday, January 24th, 2009 — 10:58pm PST

    […] are seeing the shifts all around them as well. Whether it’s network news talking about the impact of twitter on election coverage or simply their own experience connecting and posting content on Facebook, […]

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