CandyTown in Yaletown 2013

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

CandyTown in Yaletown is the neighbourhood’s latest holiday tradition, returning this year on Saturday, November 23, 2013. This free outdoor winter festival offers fun for the whole family in one of the city’s most unique shopping and dining destinations.

CandyTowninYaletownCandyTown will be setup along Mainland Street in Yaletown from 12:00pm until 9:00pm on November 23rd, as the heritage district transforms into a winder wonderland.

The Yaletown Business Improvement Association has plenty in store for visitors including horse-drawn carriage rides, Christmas arts and crafts, and plenty of sweet treats. Check out the “All I Want for Christmas” Gift Market, live music, ice carving demos, candy-making, the Yaletown Rotary Club Xmas Tree Lot, CandyTown Cocktail Tour, and visit with Santa.

With food vendors such as Big Red’s Poutine, Coquettish Cupcakes, Maple Sugar Shack, The Pie Hole, BeaverTails Pastry, and the many exquisite Yaletown shops open to start your holiday shopping, this event is not to be missed.

CandyTown in Yaletown also supports the BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver Food Bank and Starlight Children’s Foundation, and attendees are invited to donate to these important organizations. Follow the Yaletown BIA on Twitter and Facebook for more information about CandyTown and other seasonal happenings.

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