Put Your Town on the Map, Vancouver Ranks 7th

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver is currently sitting in 7th place in the “Put your Town on the Map with Bing” photo contest. They are asking Canadians to submit photos of their hometowns and at the end of the campaign, the photo with the most votes (from the most popular city) will win a grand prize. Prizes incentives include cameras and swag from Walmart PhotoCentre and Kodak Canada Inc. as well as getting your photo featured on the Bing.ca homepage.

Lions Gate Bridge Photowalk

Ahead of Vancouver in the standings right now lies Ville de Saguenay, Calgary, Picton, North Bay, Quebec City, and Thunder Bay. In BC, Vancouver is in the top spot ahead of Kitimat, Kamloops, Nelson, and Victoria.

Although Vancouver is often ranked within the top ten livable cities or destinations in the world, when it comes to popular votes online we don’t quite do as well. Earlier this year Monopoly Canada was launching a new edition and asked people to vote on which cities should get which real estate on the board. The MonopolyVote site is no longer operational however last time I checked, Vancouver wasn’t in the top ten.

If you would like to give our city a boost in this photo contest, check out the entries and place your vote or submit your own photos for a chance at daily prizes or the grand prize. Be sure to also read the terms and conditions of the contest to ensure you are okay with the licensing of the photo you submit.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Lynn MontesMonday, June 7th, 2010 — 9:46am PDT

    I enjoyed reading your latest postings and interestingly enough I went to Victoria with my mom back in March and we went to the Royal Museum and afterwards browsed the gift shop where I bought the Vancouver version of Monopoly!! 🙂 So, we did get one!! It’s absolutely hilarious to play – Go to Jail is now Go to Wreck Beach and instead of Just Visiting, you are Just Watching. heeheeee! The Community and Chance cards are equally designed for Vancouverites. “You showed up late for your yoga class. Buy the whole class a Starbucks. Pay $50.” Too funny!

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